A letter from Mrs. Rachel
Welcome to the AIM Family!
Welcome to Arts in Motion! We are thrilled to have you join our vibrant community where the arts come together under one roof. At AIM, we believe that our studio is more than just a place to learn dance, theatre, music, and art; we are a family. Our dedicated faculty and staff are committed to being a part of your village, supporting and guiding our students to grow into confident, creative, and kind individuals.
Whether you grew up in the arts, or the only thing you know about the performing arts comes from "Dance Moms," we are here to ensure a successful start for you and your child! With nearly 20 years experience, I've usually got enough tricks in my dance bag to help every child have an amazing experience! Below, I've added some of my best tips and tricks to help you prepare for your first day, navigate those challenging "I don't want to go!" days, and more!
Our Creative Team is here for you, so please feel free to ask us any questions you may have!

Tiny Tutus, BIG Feelings
Our youngest students (and let's be honest, even our older students!) can have some BIG feelings! As parents, it can be hard to navigate, so here's what I've learned over the years:
Arrive early. This will help your little one become comfortable in their new environment.
Come prepared. Little ones can become fixated on the silliest things, so try to anticipate their needs to help them be ready for class: have their dance bag and uniform ready (psst: we've got everything you need in our shop!), take them to the potty before class, and make sure they've had a snack before class!
Trust your instructor: We've got you! And when I say we've seen it all, we've really seen it all! Our instructors are trained to handle all kinds of scenarios in the classroom, from tears to potty accidents, and we will work with you to help your child have the best experience! Any information you may share with our faculty and staff to help us know your child better is wonderful!
For our Twirl with Me classes, here's some extra special advice for you:
Your job is to be a Star Student! Your child has been taking direction from you, and now is your opportunity to introduce them to the Teacher/Student relationship! By following the teacher's instructions, not talking, and participating fully, you are showing your child how to behave in class (and not just in the studio--we are preparing them for preschool and beyond!).
Don't let your anxiety rise! Trust me, as a mom of 3, I get it: your child's not listening or following direction, he's rolling all around the room, she's licking the mirrors (...seriously, it happens!), you start sweating profusely and thinking it would be better if you just take your child home. Trust me when I say: don't do it! We are prepared to walk you and your child through this phase, and know that it is developmentally appropriate for them to behave this way!
Consistency is key: keep coming week after week, stick with it! I've taught a class full of 2 year olds, holding one little one who screamed the full length of the class for 6 weeks. But on that 7th week, that little one participated for the first 2 minutes of class! The next week, a little bit longer, and so on until they were fully participating in class!
Keep in mind, it can take dancers several weeks or even months to fully participate. This doesn't mean they aren't absorbing and learning musicality, classroom etiquette, vocabulary and social skill observations.
Trust the process and know that their first dance class is the perfect way to prepare them for preschool:
Teacher/Student relationship
Making a line
Taking turns
and so much more.
Dreams demand dedication.
No doubt, all of our student at Arts in Motion have some big dreams (all of us on the Creative Team do too!) Dreams can become our reality with focus, commitment, and perseverance: all lifeskill that your child will no doubt need in all areas of their life. The arts are an incredible avenue for helping children of all ages prepare for all kinds of dreams, whether is to be center stage on Broadway, in the Boardroom, and anywhere in between!
Here are some tips to help our students as they grow become more successful in the studio and in life:
Teach them the importance of being prepared: having their uniform ready the night before, packing themselves a healthy snack if they know they get hungry, and thinking ahead of any school work that will need to be completed. Time management is crucial when participating in extracurriculars.
Teach them to stick with it: sometimes, we have to do hard things. Sometimes we have to do things we just plain don't want to do. But these things are necessary for laying a strong foundation. In a world that prioritizes instant gratification, encourage your child to see their commitments through to the end.
Trust us: we're in your corner! We truly value being a part of your village, and are here to walk with you and your child as they grow. If you are struggling to get them to class or make their school work a priority, don't hesitate to talk to us. We believe school should be their number one focus, and should learn how to manage their time appropriately. This is something most adults still struggle with, so the sooner we can help them learn this skill, the better off they will be!
Practice makes progress: perfection is never the goal, but the more time and effort they put in, the stronger they will become. As they grow, increasing their studio time and diversifying their arts education will make them a more rounded student, performer, and person.